On the 20th of October 2009 we launched a new production line of three-layered air bubble film!
Three-layered air bubble film is the product of polyethylene recycling. This film has three layers; upper and lower layer are sheets of the film and middle layer has polyethylene air bubbles. It’s our universal, unique and irreplaceable packing material. Somebody may compare two-layered air bubble film and three-layered air bubble film. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages. But these are equally unique materials; each has its own value and functions. Everything depends on the place, time and the purpose of usage. You can select any of the films and then consult us. Our company “Âèñîê³ òåõíîëî㳿 ïëàñòèêà” produce three-layered air bubble film, greenhouse and hothouse film “TeRa” and heat-reflecting insulation “IzoTeRa”.
The title of the film gives all useful information. “Izo” means insulation, “Te” means thermal and noise insulation, “Ra” (the name of ancient god of the Sun) means the possibility of growth and development, as the sun gives people heat and joy. And three layered air bubble film keeps this heat.
Three-layered air bubble film production is very reliable and practical and is based on innovations and high technologies. This film is waterproof, and protects prom the dust. It can’t be broken but it can protect your product from the breakage.
Three-layered air bubble film, like two-layered air bubble film, protects your products from the corrosion, that's why it also protects your product from the rot. Three-layered air bubble film is very durable and reliable because it has the third layer of polyethylene. Three-layered air bubble film has depreciation properties, that’s why we recommend using three-layered air bubble film to pack fragile things into it to protect them from being damaged while transportation.
Greenhouse air bubble film “TeRa” retains heat and sun energy and is usually used in greenhouse and hothouse agriculture. It can retain heat and cold either. This film can also transmit light into the greenhouse. Three-layered air bubble film is healthy to use with food because it’s not toxic. It can also be used in medicine.
Heat-reflecting insulation “ÈçîTeÐa” is light and durable waterproofing and heat-reflecting material that has specific structure. Because of its structure “ÈçîTeÐa” has the lowest coefficient of thermal conductivity and zero coefficient of water absorption in comparison with other insulating materials. Heat-reflecting insulation “ÈçoTeÐa” is oil and petrol resistant material, environmentally and hygienically safe and gentle. It’s light, pleasant to touch and flexible. It provides highly technological mounting in all conditions.
The film “IzoTeRa” glued to one or both sides with aluminum foil has extra capacity of reflecting heat, can be easily mounted to any surface, easily machined without special devices. It is compatible with any building material: concrete, cement, wood, lime, gypsum and others. Due to easy mounting of greenhouse air bubble film “ÈçoTeÐa” you can mount it by yourself. It gives you possibility to save resources since the mounting of greenhouse air bubble film is easy. (See mounting instructions). On your request our experts can develop heat-insulation material with all the capacities you need: heat and noise insulation and also waterproofing.
Heat-reflecting insulation “IzoTeRa” is usually used for house insulation, walls, flooring, suspended ceiling, attics, and mansards. Its small square increases significantly useful square of the building.
Heat-reflecting air bubble film “ÈçoTeÐa” can be used for:
Industrial and civil building;
Refrigerating techniques;
You can call us and buy our greenhouse three layered bubble film “TeÐa” and heat-insulation “ÈçoTeÐa”. "Âèñîê³ òåõíîëî㳿 ïëàñòèêà” provides expert advices. For our permanent clients we have flexible price politics. Our company produces two-layered and three-layered air bubble package and heat and noise-insulation in Ukraine, that’s why we have the lowest prices. (Price)
Ukrainå, Kiev
Tel.(044) 490-74-42
ìîb.: (067) 321-98-32
Thematic exiles:
air-bubblå film, prices,manufacture, stress,
three-layer air-bubblå film,
polyethylene air-bubblå film,
greenhouse air bubble film "TeRa"