Everybody interested in planting different kinds of plants (fruits and veggetables, flowers and exotic herbs) wonders how to make farming process more effective. How many months of the year we can engage in agriculture? On average no more than six. Yield without nitrates harvest during this period. But we can extend veggetables, fruits, flowers harvest season into winter if we plant veggetables and flowers in greenhouses.
Greenhouses can be of different shapes – rectangular or arched. They are made by fixing glass to the wood, metal or plastic frames and then covering walls along the entire perimeter with special air bubble film for greenhouses. Sometimes only greenhouse air bubble film is used and fixed to the frames instead of glass.
Choosing air bubble film you should remember that the film can be of different density. The thicker is the film the stronger and more expensive it is. To extend the life of the film greenhouse frames paint in white color (it reduces air bubble film heating on sunny day). If the frames are dark or made from galvanized iron the film can warm up to 59 degrees; if the frames made from rusty iron the film can warm up to 62 degrees; but if the frames painted in white color the film temperature will not exceed 36 degrees. White frames make greenhouse lighting for 5-10 percent higher that significantly increases the yield. Greenhouse frame must be flat to avoid air bubble film rubbing and deformating. Greenhouse air bubble film should be tightly stretched to protect greenhouse from strong wind. Tightly stretched film is flat and slippery that makes water flow down and prevents formation of puddles. You must protect you air bubble film from stretches and tears and it will serve you for a long time.
Thematic exiles:
air-bubblе film, prices,manufacture, stress,
three-layer air-bubblе film,
polyethylene air-bubblе film,
greenhouse air bubble film "TeRa"