Air bubble film is irreplaceable package for transporting goods.
It’s universal, airy and irreplaceable, it keeps heat and protects your
product, it can be used everywhere. If you want to pack your
product, you can use packets made from air bubble film.
If you use it, you’ll save money and time for packaging.
Packets made from air bubble film usually has 4-mm
thick middle layer that contains air bubbles. They’ll protect
your product from being damaged. And if you pack into such
packet something with the sharp edges some bubbles may
burst but the other bubbles will protect your product.
You can also use packets made from air bubble film when
you pack souvenirs. You can pack your souvenir into this
packet and then put it into the box. We produce such
packets from high quality air bubble film. Our air bubble
film can be used with food. We produce packats from
10 to 150 cm in width and from 45 to 200 micron in thickness.
Packets can be made with flap (one side is longer that the other)
and different colors. Packets, made from polyethylene
antistatic air bubble film, are usually pink. Packets value
depends on their size. You can call us to get to know prices
of the packets. Sheets made from air bubble film. We
produce not only rolls of air bubble film but also the
sheets of air bubble film. For convenience packing we
cut air bubble film and make rectangular sheets different size.
Our air bubble film being cutted into rectangular
sheets protects your product. These sheets can
be used for packing dishes, mirrors, sheets of
glass, furniture panels and other goods.
Tel. (044) 490-74-42
ìîb. (067) 321-98-32
Thematic exiles:
air-bubblå film, prices,manufacture, stress,
three-layer air-bubblå film,
polyethylene air-bubblå film,
greenhouse air bubble film "TeRa"