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  • GREENHOUSE air bubble film “TeRa”

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    Use air bubble film



    If you need packaging material to protect surfaces, block, fix and fill the vacuum, you can use our air bubble film – irreplaceable packaging material. Just imagine! Air bubble film protects your product. Our bubbles are unique and flexible air absorbers.

    In comparison with the other packaging materials air bubble film has lots of advantages. Let’s compare it with some of them. Cardboard boxes are bulk, take much place and soak (I don’t even speak about paper). Foam rubber takes much space, is not moisture proving and is very attractive for rodents. Polymer film is moisture proving but isn’t shock proving! Air bubble film gently and qualitatively protects any product. Many countries use air bubble film as a compulsory packaging standard.

    Until recently air bubble film was imported because there were any manufacturers of the air bubble film in Ukraine. Special technologies for air bubble film production were developed by the experts of the company “Âèñîê³ òåõíîëî㳿 ïëàñòèêà”. And today we produce qualitative, strong, beautiful and elastic bubbles of different thickness and color and with different additives.

    Package manufacturers, transport organizations, and specially exporters need air bubble film like they need air to breath. Many kinds of products won’t pass the customs if they aren’t packed into air bubble film according to the importers demand. If you want to save your product you mustn’t forget about our bubbles.

    One more unique air bubble film usage recommended to us by our visitor Natalya is that: “…the authorship of this idea belongs to the masters that discovered nunofelting technologies… you can’t even imagine how skilled workers need air bubble film

    Felting (matting, needle felting) is the process of making toys, clothes and other decorative items from natural wool that is produced without spinning. As one legend says the appearance of the first felt-made thing was connected with the Great Flood.

    The sheep in Noah’s ark dropped their wool on the floor and trampled it all days. That’s how the first felt carpet was made. Today instead of soft underlay (that was a sheep’s wool) for sheep’s hooves air bubble film is used. We have found and place here masterpieces with our air bubble film. Contact us if you are textile artist or simply enthusiastic in felting.

    We have already mentioned that air bubble film is a universal material. Air bubble film can be used not only for packaging but also for physical trainings. Very comfortable mat can be made from air bubble film as it protects legs from cold. We can color our air bubble film in different colors and make your mood better. Do exercises and have a good health with our air bubble film! 

    Chip manufacturers and manufacturers of different computer components and other technique! 

    You know that static electricity influences the chips badly. We produce air bubble film with the antistatic additive which makes it possible to accumulate electric charges and protect from electromagnetic effect.
    Air bubble film is slso irreplaceable for packaging presents. It helps people express their atentiveness to the other person by packing a present in the air bubble film package so they know the present is protected from damage.

    Air bubble film in agriculture.

    Air bubble film is a universalmaterial to be used in greenhouses for it's cheaper than glass.
    We add special additives to air bubble film to improve product quality. 

    Light stabilizers are added to prevent photo-decradation – the process of polymer destruction under the influence of sun rays. Such kinds of additives make it possible to produce durable light-resistant greenhouse film.
    Hidrophilic additive prevents droplets forming on the greenhouse film surfacas. As a result the water on the sueface spreads over the surface and isn’t condensing into individual drops. It also converts sunlight into useful for plants spectral range that improves crops harvest. The reason for this is that forming of vitamins and enzymes depends on light intensity and its spectral composition. 

    Air bubble film is a unique material that protects children from injuries. Of course, the biggest skeptics may smile thinking: “children and air bubble film – it’s strange…”. But it’s not!

    Once baby appears in your house, starts crawling on the floor and makes his first steps it becomes a real disaster! And it’s not because the baby opens everything, gets into everything, tears everything and writes on everything, but because of his bumps, bruises and injuries. What should their parents do? There are so many different methods to protect a child: walking behind him everywhere he goes or place him in the playpen. But all these methods restrict his living place while he discovers the world around. Don’t put the child in the cage, he needs freedom!

    Cover round sharp edges and corners with the air bubble film. Sometimes it’s much easier to replace dusty carpet to air bubble film (it’s soft to crawl on it and if it becomes dirty it can be easily replaced, also it’s pleasant to pop the bubbles to relieve stress and enjoy yourself). If you use our air bubble film the greatest reward to you will be the smile of your baby.

    Moving furniture requires protecting if from damages. Large size furniture and fragile glass are easy to hit or break. You can easily solve this problem using our air bubble film and covering your furniture with it. 

    Air bubble film is light, weightless and not drowning coverage for pools. It maintains the temperature of water and protects from evaporation and dirt. And also you can use it as a mat for the sun tan.                         



    Air bubble film has recently been used in building. Financial crisis and fuel problems are important reasons to think how to save money and heat in private houses and in industrial plants.   

    Our bubbles are usually used for moisture proving and heat insulation of houses, industrial plants, saunas, and refrigerators. It’s also noise resistant. Using our bubbles you can save your resources for you won’t need bulky and expensive material that usually takes much place.

    Air bubble film can be used in different spheres of life. But sometimes it’s absolutely amazing where and how air bubble film can be used.  

    If you use our happy bubbles for heat insulation of walls and ceilings, for pipe insulation, in the “warm floor” systems they’ll give you warm. In medicine air bubble film is used to develop children fine motor skills. It’s useful to pop bubbles with children before they learn how to embroider, knit and tie shoelace as it prepares small fingers for high sensitivity. So, develop children fingers with our bubble film! 

    If you are a motorist, car part manufacturer or automobile components supplier pay your attention to this.

    Air bubble film is universal packaging material for transporting windscreens, bumpers and different plastic parts. Air bubble film isn’t only shock proving but it also protects you product from different scratches. It’s light and doesn’t take much place so avoiding you from bulky packages. 

    If there are firm chairs and benches in your house than cover them with two-layered or three-layered polyethylene air bubble film and then with the beautiful fabric bag to make them beautiful and attractive. Such chair will be your favorite place to drink coffee and have a rest.  

    Use our bubbles for packing fruit and vegetables to protect them from low temperatures and freeze. Air bubbles will work as a thermos – maintain definite temperature. Compare: our bubbles retain heat 120 times better than ordinary polyethylene.  

    Bubbles can be used at temperature from 60 degrees below zero to 80 degrees above zero. Air bubble film is made from food-grade polyethylene therefore it is save and healthy. It doesn’t emit hazardous substances and is odorless. Attention! Air bubble film can be used many times!

    Air bubble film protects fisherman’s legs from freeze in winter. Boots, felt boots, woolen socks can’t for along period of time keep legs warm. But if a fisherman covers his shoes with the air bubble film legs will be warm.  

    Our air bubble film is used as a packing material for transporting devices, glass, pottery and porcelain, mirrors, souvenirs, sanitary engineering, stationary, lightning, antiques. Any dishes can be packed in happy bubbles.  

    Ladles and pots, thin and thick ceramics, statuettes and ashtrays, souvenir magnets and cookware can be packed in the air bubble film. It saves place as it takes the form of the product. Not only sellers can use air bubble film to pack products other people, for example those who changes the office, also need it.

    Every one wants to buy the product of a high quality, nobody wants to buy dirty,  crumpled, punctured or rotten product. 

    If you want to buy tomatoes then you will choose firm, ripe tomato. Packing tomatoes in the air bubble film and putting them in the boxes can save them firm. 

    If you enjoy snow riding in winter use air bubble film mat. It’s light and not bulky; it can substitute sleds, skates and skis.  

    Air bubble film is also used in gardening. Gardeners use it in winter as a heat insulation to protect trees from freezing and rodents.  

    Air bubble film can be used to play noughts and crosses. You can’t write on it but you can draw lines on it. Have fun!


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