Our contest results show that air bubble film can be used in different ways. We have two winners: Natalya (for the proposition to use air bubble film in felting) and Iryna (for cosmetic poposal) from Kyiv.
And here are your proposals.
1. Let’s keep flowers fresh in the heat! As everybody knows flowers wither in the heat. But everybody wants to give flowers that will stay fresh and beautiful for a long time. Here is a peace of advice to flowers lovers: pour water into the packet made from air bubble film and put flowers in it. The improvised vase is ready! Beauty conquers the world!
2. Advice to “Walrus”. When the freeze is strong and ice-hole almost frozen you can cover the hole with air bubble film. It’ll keep ice-hole from freezing.
3. Spot town and playground building. Metal framework building is the main activity of our company. We use air bubble film for transporting building materials. We provide services of metalworking or different complexity.
4. Presents from sex shop. Sex shop production is often very fragile and must be carefully transported. Air bubble film is good for such shops.
5. Warm patty. Everybody loves warm patty. And it’s almost impossible to save them warm (especially in cold weather and for a long distance). Put it in air bubble film package, it’ll substitute microwave.
6. Creativity. On one russian site I’ve accidentally found creative decision how to use air bubble film. And here is a link.
7. A car and a freeze. To start the car in the morning without troubles just cover accumulator with the air bubble film!
8. Hand-made beauty in textile or little marketing discovery. I suppose this idea belongs to nunofelting masters. I just decided to write about it on this site. You can’t even imagine how skilled workers need air bubble film. Felting (matting, needle felting) is the process of making toys, clothes and other decorative items from natural wool that is produced without spinning.
As one legend says the appearance of the first felt-made thing was connected with the Great Flood. The sheep in Noah’s ark dropped their wool on the floor and trampled it all days. That’s how the first felt carpet was made. Today instead of soft underlay (that was a sheep’s wool) for sheep’s hooves air bubble film is used.
I have a dream to learn how to make felt. That’s why I’ve found this site searching for information about felting. Probably it would be a great discovery for you marketing that your target audience aren’t only gardeners, textile artists but also felting masters.
9. Recommendation for sledges. Air bubble film have been tasted successfully! You can use it to slide on your stomach like on sledges, and also to slide sitting on it with your friends! It’ll make you and you friends happy. If your sledges have firm seat just put on it a peace of air bubble film and you’ll feel soft sledging from the hill.
10. Headphones. You can make headphones for player or computer from air bubble film, it’ll guarantee duplex noise isolation.
11. If you want to be healthy. If you have cold and want to recover quickly than wrap in air bubble film and in blanket, perspire and feel good, you are on a half way to recovery.
12. Air balloon. You can make air balloon from air bubble film.
13. Creative fir-tree. I propose to make the most creative, unique and starling New Year Tree. You can make different Christmas-tree decorations from air bubble film. These decorations don’t spoil for a long time, are cold resistant and make you creative.
14. Camomille. When we were children we all played a game trying to read somebody’s fortune on the camomille. Now you can play this game using air bubbles: “one bubble burst – he loves you and the other burst – he doesn’t love you”.
15. Snowman. If you have made snowman and don’t want it to melt then cover it with the air bubble film to prolong his life.
16. Make a tiger from air bubble film!
17. Christmas tree decorations. Christmas tree decoration are very fragile and can be easily broken, especially when you move them. To protect them from being broken just cover them with the air bubble film.
Thematic exiles:
air-bubblå film, prices,manufacture, stress,
three-layer air-bubblå film,
polyethylene air-bubblå film,
greenhouse air bubble film "TeRa"